Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

Science for the Community Seminars

Science for the Community

Learn about innovative research conducted at UMCES Chesapeake Biological Laboratory from the scientists themselves!

Science for the Community (S4C) seminars invite members of the public to discover how our scientists are developing new approaches to solving the environmental challenges facing Southern Maryland, our nation, and the world. All seminars are free of charge.

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Fall 2024 Science for Community Seminar Series

Join us at the oldest state-supported marine lab on the East Coast to learn about innovative research being pioneered by CBL scientists. Our faculty and graduate students are developing new approaches to solving the environmental management problems facing Southern Maryland, lur nation, and our world. Each talk will be presented by an UMCES scientist and will inform the public about a featured research effort.

Tuesday from 7-8 p.m.

October 8-29, 2024

CBL’s Bernie Fowler Laboratory

Please register for the event for in person or virtual (Zoom) attendance.




October 8, 2024

Dr. Lora Harris

Cove Point Marsh: Over ten years of monitoring natural and nature-based feature in Calvert County

October 15, 2024

Anna Hildebrand & Co-authors

Controls on Oxygen Variability and depletion in the Patuxent River estuary

October 22, 2024

Dr. Ryan Woodland

Seines, sleds and data, oh my! How biological surveys at CBL are helping us understand the Chesapeake Bay

October 29, 2024

Jessica McGlinsey

Diamondback Terrapins in a Changing Climate

Spring 2024 Science for Community Seminar Series


Our S4C Seminar Series restarts this spring!  We will hold four seminars covering topics pertinent to the Chesapeake Bay, and beyond.

The schedule will be as follows:

Date Speaker Topic/Title
April 2, 2024 Mike Wilberg Striped Bass: The most important fish in the Chesapeake
April 9, 2024 Genny Nesslage Finding forage in winter: Atlantic menhaden in the Mid-Atlantic
April 16, 202 Michael Gonsior and Andrew Heyes Anthropogenic changes in estuarine systems
April 23, 2024 Chris Rowe Biodiversity in the human era

Registration is required to attend this event, which is held both on-site and via Zoom. To attend virtually, via Zoom, please follow this link.

On-site seating at the address below will be available on a first-come/first-serve basis - follow this link to register.

CBL’s Bernie Fowler Laboratory
142 Williams Street, Solomons, MD

Crabs in Crisis Again? Current and Future Challenges in Managing Blue Crab

Presented by Dr. Tom Miller on Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The 2022 surveys for blue crab in the Chesapeake Bay continue to give cause for concern. In this lecture we will explore what we know about blue crab in the Chesapeake, what might be causing the patterns we observe and what we can do in response


Hanging On by a Scute: Maryland’s Sturgeon up a Creek

Presented by Dr. Dave Secor on Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Sturgeons coexisted with dinosaurs, and survived asteroid blasts and glacial eras. The conundrum of sturgeon is that despite their evolutionary resilience, they are particularly sensitive to human impacts. In this seminar, Dr. Dave Secor will introduce how Atlantic sturgeon, once thought to be extinct in Maryland, were re-discovered as a small relict population in Marshyhope Creek. He will also discuss the threats, such as a large salmon factory, that jeopardize the recovery of this endangered species.


Fear for the Turtle? Climate Change and Maryland’s Diamondback Terrapins

Presented by Dr. Chris Rowe on Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Learn about Maryland’s state reptile and the challenges it faces as the climate continues to warm. Based on recent and ongoing studies, Dr. Chris Rowe will discuss how nest temperatures affect terrapins during development and how sea level rise is threatening the critical habitats that terrapins depend on throughout their lives.


Long Time, No Sea: Bottlenose Dolphins in the Chesapeake Bay

Presented by Jamie Testa on Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Chesapeake DolphinWatch was launched in 2017 to engage Bay residents in studying when dolphins visit Chesapeake Bay and where they go. Since then, incredible information on dolphin presence, distribution, and behavior in our estuary has been gathered. In this seminar, Project Coordinator Jamie Testa will discuss the research findings from the first 5 years, how graduate students at UMCES CBL are advancing dolphin research in Chesapeake Bay, and future plans for the research.


Chesapeake Reflections: What We’ve Learned During the Past 50 Years and Where We Need to Go in the Future

Presented by Dr. Walter Boynton on Tues., November 15, 2022

Dr. Walter Boynton is an internationally recognized expert in estuarine science and restoration. Throughout his career, he's experienced the pleasures and challenges of trying to better understand how these wonderful estuaries work, what causes serious degradation to water quality and habitats and what we might expect from past and continuing restoration efforts. In this seminar, Dr. Boynton will use examples from the past 50 years of his career to bring these important issues to life.


S4C Video Archive

Couldn't make it to a seminar you were interested in? Want to revisit a seminar you attended to learn more?  We've got you covered! You can watch live-quality videos of most of our past seminars on the Science for the Community video archive webpage.

Science for Communities Seminars are graciously sponsored by:

Toyota of Southern Maryland