University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Chesapeake Global Collaboratory

A Think and Do Tank

In 1925, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) founder Reginald Truitt recorded daily Chesapeake Bay water temperatures by hand in a small paper notebook. Today, terabytes of environmental data are available from countless sources, from satellites to sensors. Capitalizing on the expertise found at UMCES, we can translate that “Big Data“ into bold solutions to our most pressing challenges. After nearly 100 years as a leader in environmental science research, we are now taking problem-solving to the next level. The Chesapeake Global Collaboratory is a new initiative with the ambitious goal of accelerating solutions to complex problems by bringing a new generation of tools, voices, and approaches to environmental research. It is both a physical and virtual space equipped with state-of-the-art technology where scientists, environmental policy makers, academics, and stakeholders can work together to address our most challenging environmental issues and educate the next generation of problem solvers.


The Chesapeake Global Collaboratory will provide:

Providing new, integrated high-performance computing systems, data storage and management, advanced networking capabilities, and software tools. 

Data Science Expertise
Engaging skilled personnel who provide technical support, training, and guidance to researchers on how to effectively use available resources and tools.

Education and Training
Enhancing our existing graduate education programs, providing extensive and innovative new education resources and training for environmental professionals.

Science Communication
Leveraging existing expertise for effective communication of relevant research to non-scientists with a focus on open data approaches.

Stakeholder Engagement & Workshop Facilitation
Assisting effective engagement with stakeholders in the co-production, execution, and implementation of actionable science-based solutions.