Weekly YouTube series “Discovering the Chesapeake" airs Mondays at noon, starting June 5
CAMBRIDGE, MD (May 30, 2017)—The scientists at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science have a deep understanding of Chesapeake Bay and its watershed, its value to the region, and by extension, to the public. Studying its rises and falls, its comebacks and creatures, has helped them to recommend best management practices to natural resource managers and elected officials that serve our region, and have made our efforts in restoration world renowned.
Starting Monday, June 5, discover the Bay through the eyes of our scientists with a new YouTube series called “Discovering the Chesapeake.” Our scientists will talk about research studies they’re proud of and the impact they made, popular and oft-overlooked creatures that live in the Bay, and even the marvels of the Bay that have impacted them after years of research in the Chesapeake Bay’s waters and watershed.
Throughout the summer, you can visit the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s page on YouTube every Monday at noon for a new conversation.
Subscribe to our YouTube page at http://bit.ly/youtube-umces to receive notifications about new videos.
June 5: Estuarine ecologist Walter Boynton on the disappearance—and return—of seagrasses in the Chesapeake Bay.
June 12: Chemist Michael Gonsior on the Chesapeake Bay in relation to its neighbor Delaware Bay.
June 19: Quantitative ecologist Matt Fitzpatrick on how growing up on in the Bay watershed led him to his research there
June 26: Fisheries scientist Michael Wilberg on the mighty little fish menhaden.
July schedule to come.
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science leads the way toward better management of Maryland’s natural resources and the protection and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. From a network of laboratories located across the state, UMCES scientists provide sound evidence and advice to help state and national leaders manage the environment, and prepare future scientists to meet the global challenges of the 21st century. www.umces.edu
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