“Gasping for Breath: what is taking the oxygen from our coastal waters?” will be the subject of the special public talk by Dr. Katja Fennel on Wednesday, June 20 from 4:30 to 5:30 at the Easton branch of the Talbot County Free Library. Dr. Fennel’s program will shed light on the culprits, challenges, and possible solutions to the serious problem of oxygen deprivation that impacts our Chesapeake Bay in a big way.
Dr. Fennel is the 14th Ian Morris Scholar in Residence, a recognition presented biannually at the Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) to a leader in marine research. Mike Roman, HPL Director, shared his enthusiasm Katja and her research, “Our Ian Morris Scholar in Residence program gives our graduate students the opportunity to interact with a world-renowned scientist for a week. This year we are fortunate to host Dr. Katja Fennel from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada. Dr. Fennel is an international leader in the use of models to assess the impacts of climate change and land use on the marine environment.”
The Ian Morris Scholar in Residence is an endowed program to honor the memory of Ian Morris, Director of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) from 1981 to 1988. In his brief tenure Dr. Morris’ contribution to the successful growth and scientific reputation of UMCES was enormous. Through the Scholar in Residence program Ian Morris’ legacy continues to have a positive impact on the next generation of science and our local community.