CBL's Science for Citizens Series Presents:
The Art and Science of Climate Change on the Coasts
Sold Out
Where: CBL’s Bernie Fowler Lab, 142 Williams Street, Solomons, MD 20688, Campus Map Pre-registration is required: http://bit.ly/2UGXVyl - Sold Out Cost: FreeRegistration for the free The Art and Science of Climate Change on the Coasts event is sold out. Due to the limited space available in the meeting room, we are unable to accept additional registrations. Thank you for your interest in the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory!
During this free public seminar, Dr. Orrin Pilkey and Mary Edna Fraser will plan to reflect on their two books A Celebration of the World’s Barrier Islands, Columbia University Press, and Global Climate Change: A Primer, Duke University Press, in the time of sea level rise in America.
There are 2,200 barrier island in the world, found on every continent except Antarctica. These amazingly dynamic features make up about 10% of the worlds open ocean coastlines and are found from the tropics to the Arctic . The Persian Gulf Islands formed in a desert environment, the Colombian Pacific islands formed in a tropical rainforest environment and the barrier islands of Siberia formed in the Arctic. America has by far the largest number (405) of such islands, many of which are popular tourist resorts. Each chain of islands is made up of different varieties of sediment, and is subjected to different types of waves and storm histories.. The barrier Islands of Iceland face some of the highest waves found in any of the worlds oceans while the islands along the Egyptian Nile Delta shore are subjected to small waves as a rule. All the islands went through similar histories of sea level change and most came to their present location and shape within the last 5,000 years and most are eroding today in response to sea level rise.” Orrin Pilkey.
This special event is presented as a part of the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory's Science for Citizens seminar series. Learn more about SCIENCE FOR CITIZENS and SIGN UP FOR NOTIFICATIONS about upcoming events at CBL.
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