Title: Water research in Colombia's extractive frontiers: a transdisciplinary journey
Abstract: Extractive frontiers are regions where resource extraction is expanding and intensifying to meet the needs of a global economy. Since extractive activities are often water-intensive, highly polluting or otherwise damaging to water bodies, extractive frontiers are often sites of water conflicts among state, industry and local actors. In Colombia, the complexities of resource extraction and water impacts have largely been addressed through a technocratic lens that projects scientific certainty and expertise. In recent years, social movements have raised the questions of precaution and uncertainty, calling for greater social dialogue and democratic processes in environmental decision-making. This research seminar will trace my personal research journey, highlighting a range of interdisciplinary and community-engaged methodologies to discuss the complexities of water science and civic participation in the Colombian context.
CBL's Distinguished Scholars Seminar is open to the public. However, interested participants should be aware that these highly technical seminars are intended for an academic audience. Members of the public who would like to learn about featured research efforts are encouraged to participate in CBL's public Science for Communities Seminar Series.