Topic: Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program: High throughput and computational NAMs for identifying endocrine disruption in fish and amphibians
I became interested in endocrine disruption after reading Theo Colburn’s book “Our Stolen Future” in the late 1990s. Having a BS and MS in environmental science and toxicology my interest in endocrine disruption prompted me to study molecular endocrinology for my PhD and molecular toxicology for my post-doc to provide me the appropriate background and expertise. I came to work at the EPA on the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) almost 10 years ago in February 2011. My seminar will cover a lot of our work, but generally, I’m a fish biologist with expertise in molecular in vitro techniques and focused on adapting the EDSP to utilize high throughput and computational methods to prioritize and screen pesticidal and industrial chemicals. I’m also an adjunct lecturer in the Environmental Science and Technology Department at University of Maryland College Park teaching a class on Ecological Risk Assessment.
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