Hanging On by a Scute: Maryland’s Sturgeon up a Creek
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 from 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Presented by Dr. Dave SecorSturgeons coexisted with dinosaurs, and survived asteroid blasts and glacial eras. The conundrum of sturgeon is that despite their evolutionary resilience, they are particularly sensitive to human impacts. In this seminar, Dr. Dave Secor will introduce how Atlantic sturgeon, once thought to be extinct in Maryland, were re-discovered as a small relict population in the Marshyhope Creek (Eastern Shore). He will also discuss the threats, such as a large salmon factory, that jeopardize the recovery of this endangered species.
Our registration process has changed.
This fall, CBL will offer seminars in a hybrid format: you can choose to attend in person, or join via Zoom.
For the Fall 2022 series, we look forward to welcoming community members back to our campus for in person presentations - Click “Register to Attend This Seminar in Person” to sign up. In person attendance is limited to 60 individuals and will require pre-registration. You must submit a separate registration form for each seminar you plan to attend in person. We apologize for the inconvenience – this action is necessary to cap attendance at the 60-seat limit. You must use the Guest Fields on each registration form if you wish to reserve a second seat. A separate confirmation email, along with directions for in person attendance, will be sent to you for each seminar you register to attend. Attendees must present a printed or digital copy of their registration confirmation email when they arrive on campus to attend in person.
We are also pleased to continue offering Zoom webinar viewing for those who cannot attend in person. The “Register to Attend Webinars via Zoom” hyperlink, also included towards the bottom of this page, allows guests to sign up for any, some, or all of the seminars offered in this series. Zoom participants only need to fill out and submit this form once.
Science for the Community
This lecture is presented as part of UMCES Chesapeake Biological Laboratory’s Science for the Community seminar series. These public programs invite members of the public to discover how our scientists are developing new approaches to solving the environmental challenges facing Maryland, our nation, and the world. View the complete Science for the Community seminar schedule. All seminars are free of charge.