The past, present, and future of climate change with Matt Fitzpatrick
Thursday, June 6, 6:30pm,
Appalachian Laboratory
On Thursday, June 6, at 6:30pm at the Appalachian Laboratory, as part of the Watershed Moments Community Learning Series, Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick, recently featured in interviews with CNN, the New York Times, National Geographic, Smithsonian, Scientific American, and USA Today, will present The Past, Present and Future of Climate Change. During the presentation, Fitzpatrick will offer an introduction to how Earth’s climate has changed in the past and why scientists are concerned about the future. This event is free and open to the public. No registration is required, but seating is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors will open at 6pm.
We Need Your Feedback!
Interested in helping researchers develop future science communication tools? If so, we need your feedback! At 5:30pm on June 6, just prior to the start of the Watershed Moments: Past, Present, and Future of Climate Change event, the Appalachian Laboratory's Dr. Cat Stylinski and her research team are looking for eighteen (18) volunteers to provide important feedback while interacting with the online mapping tool designed by Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick and his colleagues. Volunteers must be 18 or older. Audio of volunteer feedback will be recorded.
Sign up to be a volunteer at Additional information is available on the registration site.
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