Horn Point Laboratory

Graduate Education

Prospective students

Graduate studies and research completed at Horn Point Laboratory are part of the Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Science (MEES) program based at the University of Maryland, College Park. The MEES program offers both masters and doctoral degree programs in six areas of specialization, five of which are represented by faculty at Horn Point: Environmental Chemistry, Oceanography, Ecology, Environmental Science and Fisheries Science. The Horn Point research community is very diverse, including plankton dynamics, nutrient cycling, and physical and biological estuarine processes.

Acceptance into the graduate program is contingent upon finding a HPL faculty member willing to sponsor you. Prospective students apply through the University of Maryland, College Park. In general, a student who has identified a specific member of the faculty with whom to work should list the campus where that faculty member is affiliated on their application. Learn more about MEES and UMCES-wide graduate degree programs.

Student life


Most students opt to live in the downtown Cambridge or the surrounding area. One-bedroom apartments are limited, and often more expensive; because of this many students chose to live with one or more roommates to both reduce living costs and increase housing options. Some people have had success with local realtors; others have found houses/apartments in the classified sections of the local newspaper and Craigslist. The vast majority of students find living accommodations through word of mouth and bulletin boards at the lab.

Graduate Student Organization

The Graduate Student Organization serves as the official means of communication between MEES students and administrators. Student issues, concerns, ideas, or official requests are directed by the GSO to the appropriate administrator or administrative level. Each campus elects GSO representatives to serve as the voice of their respective campus.