
Johnson Award and Event Corporate Sponsors

May 5, 2016
This year's sponsorship categories for the 2016 Richard A. Johnson Environmental Education Award are named after birds in Western Maryland in recognition of Barbara Johnson's love of birdwatching.

Kelly Pearce Presented Outstanding Wildlife Award

March 30, 2016
Ms. Kelly Pearce was recently presented with the Outstanding Wildlife Student Award by the MD-DE Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ms. Pearce is a PhD candidate in the Marine Estuarine and Environmental Science Program at the University of Maryland, College Park, and her studies are based at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science-Appalachian Laboratory.

2016 Appalachian Laboratory Open House

March 25, 2016
The Frostburg-based lab invites the public to learn about science with hands-on experiments for the whole family, meet the scientists working in your community, and enjoy aerial drone demonstrations to learn how scientists at AL are using this technology to enhance their research efforts.

Scientists track down origin of bats killed by wind turbines using chemical fingerprints

March 16, 2016
Wind energy is a growing alternative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels. However, one impact of large-scale wind energy development has been widespread mortality of bats. A new study from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science tracks down the origin of bats killed by wind turbines in the Appalachian region in hopes of better understanding the risks to affected populations.

Prairie dog expert John Hoogland shares 40 years of experience fighting cold in the field

January 21, 2016
Dr. John Hoogland is an expert on staying warm in cold weather. For 40 years, he has spent upwards of 12 hours a day sitting in a tower to observe the intimate lives of prairies dogs. From dawn to dusk, during frigid months in late winter and early spring, in the remotest reaches and highest altitudes of the American West.
