Consolidated USM and UMCES Policies and Procedures

Bylaws of the Board of Regents 

I Systemwide Councils and Institutional Boards

I-1.00 Council of University System Presidents
I-2.00 Constitution for the Faculty Council of the University of Maryland System
I-3.00 University System Student Council
I-3.01 Constitution of the University System Student Council
I-3.50 Constitution for the Council of University System Staff
I-4.00 Policy Concerning the Establishment of Institutional Boards
I-6.00 Policy on Shared Governance in the University of Maryland System
I-6.00-UMCES Policy on Shared Governance  
I-6.00.1-UMCES Policy on Organization of UMCES 
I-6.00.2-UMCES Policy on Representation of Groups with Special Concerns  
I-6.00.3-UMCES Policy on Staff Council 
I-6.00.4-UMCES Policy on Graduate Student Council
I-6.00.5-UMCES Faculty Research Assistant Council Policy
I-7.00 Policy on Public Ethics of Members of the Board of Regents
I-7.01 Policy On The Role Of The University System Of Maryland As A Public Corporations

II Faculty

II-1.00 University System Policy on Appointment, Rank, and Tenure of Faculty
II-1.00-UMCES Policy on Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure of Faculty  
II-1.02 University of Maryland System Policy on Faculty Academic Credentials  
II-1.02-UMCES Policy on Verification of Professional Credentials  
II-1.03 University System Policy on Concurrent Faculty and Administrative Appointments
II-1.04 Procedures for Appeals to the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents of Decisions to Terminate Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty Members
II-1.05 Policy on the Employment of Full-Time, Non-Tenure Track Instructional Faculty in the University System of Maryland
II-1.06 Policy on the Employment of Part-Time, Non-Tenure Track Instructional Faculty in the University System of Maryland
II-1.07 Policy On The Employment Of Adjunct Faculty In The University System Of Maryland
II-1.10 Policy on Part-Time Tenure-Track and Part-Time Tenured Faculty
II-1.11 Policy on Part-Time Faculty Members Engaged Exclusively or Primarily in Library Services
II-1.19 University of Maryland System Policy on the Comprehensive Review of Tenured Faculty
II-1.19-UMCES Policy on Comprehensive Review of Tenured Faculty 
II-1.20 Policy on Evaluation of Performance of Faculty
II-1.20-UMCES Policy on Evaluation of Performance of Faculty
II-1.21 Policy on Compensation for Faculty
II-1.22 University System Policy on Faculty Appointment Letters or Contracts
II-1.25 Policy on Faculty Workload and Responsibilities
II-1.25-UMCES Policy on Faculty Workload  
II-1.30 Policy on the Regents Professorship
II-2.00 Policy on Sabbatical Leave for Faculty
II-2.00-UMCES Policy on Sabbatical Leave for Faculty
II-2.01 Policy on Professional and/or Research Leave for Faculty Members Engaged Exclusively or Primarily in Library Services
II-2.10 Policy on Transitional Terminal Leave for Faculty
II-2.20 Policy on Leave Without Pay for Faculty
II-2.25 Policy on Parental Leave
II-2.30 Policy on Sick and Safe Leave for Faculty Members
II-2.31 Policy on Family and Medical Leave for Faculty
II-2.32 Policy on Accident Leave for Faculty
II-2.40 Policy on Annual Leave for Faculty
II-2.40-UMCES Policy on Annual Leave for Faculty
II-2.50 Policy on Jury Service for Faculty Members
II-3.00 Policy on the Role of Faculty in the Development of Academic Policy
II-3.00-UMCES Policy on Faculty Senate 
II-3.10 Policy on Professional Commitment of Faculty
II-3.10-UMCES Policy on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment
II-3.10-A UMCES Addendum for Public Health Service (PHS) Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI)
II-3.10-UMCES Procedures on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment
II-3.20 Policy on Teaching Outside the Home Institution By Full-Time Faculty
II-4.00 Policy on Faculty Grievances
II-4.00-UMCES Policy on Faculty Grievances 
II-8.00 Policy on Faculty Retrenchment 
II-8.00-UMCES Policy on Faculty Retrenchment

III Academic Affairs

III-1.00 Policy on Faculty, Student and Institutional Rights and Responsibilities for Academic Integrity
III-1.10 Policy on Misconduct in Scholarly Work
III-1.10-UMCES Policy on Misconduct in Scholarly Work 
III-1.11 Policy on Conflicts of Interest in Research or Development
III-1.11-UMCES Policy on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment  
III-1.20 Policy for Review of Alleged Arbitrary and Capricious Grading
III-1.30 Policy on Academic Clemency
III-1.41 Policy on Credit for Competency-Based Education and Prior Learning
III-2.00 Policy on Continuing Education
III-2.10 Policy on Summer and Special Sessions
III-2.20 Policy on Combined Bachelor's/Master's Programs
III-2.30 Policy on Eligibility to Register
III-2.40 Policy on Undergraduate Student Concurrent Inter-Institutional Registration
III-2.41 Policy on Graduate Student Inter-Institutional Registration
III-2.50 Policy on Academic Advising
III-3.00 Policy on Awarding of Honorary Degrees
III-4.00 Policy on Undergraduate Admissions
III-4.10 Policy on Enrollment
III-5.00 Policy on Academic Calendar
III-5.10 Policy Concerning the Scheduling of Academic Assignments on Dates of Religious Observance
III-5.10 UMCES Policy Concerning the Scheduling of Academic Assignments on Dates of Religious Observance; Campus Space for Faith-Based or Religious Practices
III-6.00 Policy on Academic Transcripts 
III-6.10 Policy for the Numbering of Academic Courses
III-6.20 Policy on Grading Symbol Identification
III-6.30 Policy on Confidentiality and Disclosure of Student Records
III-6.40 Policy on Classification of Undergraduate Students
III-7.00 Policy on Degree and Curricular Requirements
III-7.01 Policy on the Review and Approval of New Academic Programs that Do Not Require New Resources
III-7.02 Policy on the Review and Abolition of Existing Academic Programs
III-7.03 Policy on the Resolution Regarding Action by the Board of Regents to Delegate to the Chancellor of The University System of Maryland the Authority to Approve Certain Program Actions
III-7.04 Policy on the Resolution Regarding Action By The Board of Regents to Delegate to the Chancellor of The University System of Maryland the Authority to Approve Periodic Reviews of Existing Programs, and to Approve Annual Institutional Submissions to Mhec Regarding Low- Productivity Programs
III-7.05 Policy on the Creation/Development By University System of Maryland Institutions of Schools or Colleges
III-7.10 Policy on Graduate Education
III-7.10-UMCES Policy on Graduate Education
III-7.11 Policy on Graduate Assistantships
III-7.11-UMCES Policy on Graduate Assistantships 
III-7.20 University of Maryland System Policy on Undergraduate General Education Transferability Between UMS Institutions
III-7.30 Policy On The Award Of Posthumous Degrees
III-8.00 University System of Maryland Policy on the Admission of First-Time Freshmen in the Spring Admits Semester
III-8.01 University System of Maryland Policy on Alternative Means of Earning Academic Degree Credit
III-8.02 University System of Maryland Policy on Standard Credit Requirements for Baccalaureate Degree Program
III-9.00 Policy on Guidelines On Non-USM Institutions Offering Programs at USM Regional Centers
III-10.00 Policy on Textbook Affordability Measures

IV Research

IV-1.00 Policy for the Establishment and Review of Centers and Institutes in the University of Maryland System
IV-2.00 Policy on Solicitation and Acceptance of Sponsored Projects
IV-2.00.1 UMCES Policy on Sponsored Projects and Principal Investigator Eligibility
IV-2.10 University of Maryland System Policy on Human Subjects of Research
IV-2.10-UMCES Policy on Human Subjects in Research
IV-2.20 Policy on Classified and Proprietary Work
IV-3.00 Policy on Patents
IV-3.10 Policy on Copyrights   For works copyrighted before July 1, 2002
IV-3.20 Policy on Intellectual Property   For works copyrighted after July 1, 2002
IV-3.30-UMCES Policy on Care and Use of Vertebrate Animals in Research and Graduate Studies

V Student Affairs

V-1.00 Policy on Student Affairs
V-1.10 Policy on Student Publications
V-1.10 UMCES Policy on Student Authorship
V-1.20 Policy on Student Social Media Privacy
V-1.20-UMCES Policy on Student Social Media Privacy
V-2.00 Policy on Student Athletics
V-2.10 University of Maryland System Policy on Reports on Intercollegiate Athletics
V-2.20 Policy on Academic Achievement in Intercollegiate Athletics
V-4.00 Policy on Student Employment
V-5.00 Policy on Student Housing
V-6.00 Policy on Community Service
V-7.00 Policy on Students Who Are Called to Active Military Duty During a National or International Crisis or Conflict
V-8.00 Policy on Resolution on Student Riots 

VI General Administration

VI-1.00 Policy on Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity
VI-1.00 UMCES Interim Procedures for Resolution of Complaints Alleging Discrimination
VI-1.10 Policy on Acts of Violence and Extremism Replaced by VI-1.00
VI-1.20 University of Maryland System Policy on Sexual Harassment -- Replaced by VI-1.60
VI-1.20-UMCES Policy on Sexual Harassment -- Replaced by UMCES VI-1.60
VI-1.30 University of Maryland System Policy on Sexual Assault--Replaced by VI-1.60
VI-1.40 Policy on the Implementation and Monitoring of Recommendations of the Cult Task Force
VI-1.50 Policy on the Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect
VI-1.60 Policy on Sex Discrimination
VI-1.60A UMCES Policy and Procedure on Sexual Misconduct

VI-1.60B - UMCES Sex Discrimination Policy 
VI-2.00 Policy on Recommendations to Change the Name or Status of An Institution
VI-3.00 Policy on Advertising
VI-4.00 Policy on the Naming of Buildings and Academic Programs
VI-4.10 Policy on the Use of the Physical Facilities of the University System for Public Meetings
VI-4.20 Guidelines Regarding the Effect of Donor Funding and Other External Funding on the Prioritization of State-Funded Capital Projects
VI-5.00 Policy on Inspection of Public Records
VI-5.10 Policy on Preservation of Items of Historical Interest
VI-6.00 Policy on Requests for Advice of Counsel and Official Opinions From the Attorney General
VI-6.10 Policy on Records Management
VI-6.20 Policy on Out of State Work for Employees
VI-7.00 Policy on Chaplains
VI-8.00 Policy on the Use of Alcoholic Beverages at University System Institutions and Facilities
VI-8.10 Policy On Smoking At USM Institutions
VI-8.10-UMCES Policy On Smoking At USM Institutions
VI-9.00 Policy on Establishment of Institutional Traffic Regulations
VI-9.10 Report on Reporting of Campus Crime Statistics
VI-10.00 Policy on the Filing of Institutional Policy Manuals With the Chancellor
VI-11.00 University of Maryland System Policy on Aids Rescinded June 21, 2019
VI-12.00 Policy on Emergency Conditions: Cancellation of Classes and Release of Employees 
VI-13.00 Policy on Campus Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Response

VII Personnel

VII-i Clarification Notice -- Rescinded 10/9/2015
VII-P1.00 Policy on Establishment and Assignment of Job Groups Renumbered to VII-9.31 10/9/2015
VII-1.00 Policy on the USM Human Resources Management Program
VII-1.01 Policy on Recruitment and Selection
VII-1.01-UMCES Policy on Recruitment and Selection of Non-Faculty 
VII-1.10 University of Maryland System Policy on a Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace
VII-1.10-UMCES Policy on a Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace 
VII-1.21 UMS Policy on Probation for Nonexempt Employees
VII-1.22 Policy on Separation for Regular Exempt Employees
VII-1.22-UMCES Policy on Separation for Regular Exempt Employees 
VII-1.23 Policy on Separation of a Nonexcempt Staff Employee
VII-1.24 Policy on Termination with Prejudice
VII-1.30 Policy on Layoff for Unclassified and Classified Personnel
VII-1.30-UMCES Policy on Layoff For Exempt and Non-Exempt Personnel
VII-1.31 Policy on Reemployment -- Merged with VII-9.61 10/9/2015
VII-1.31-UMCES Policy on Reemployment 
VII-1.32 Policy on Layoff and Recall of Regular 7.2 Exempt Employees
VII-1.32-UMCES Policy on Layoff and Recall of Regular Exempt Employees
VII-1.40 Policy on Contingent Status Employment for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
VII-1.40-UMCES Policy on Contingent Status Employment for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
VII-2.10 Policy on Employment of Members of the Same Family (Nepotism)
VII-2.10-UMCES Policy on Employment of Members of the Same Family (Nepotism)
VII-2.20 Policy on Soliciting Personnel During Working Hours
VII-2.30 Policy on Employee and Applicant Disclosure of Misconduct
VII-3.00 Policy on Wellness Programs
VII-3.10 Policy on Employee Development for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
VII-4.10 University of Maryland System Policy on Tuition Remission for Faculty and Staff
VII-4.20 University of Maryland System Policy on Tuition Remission for Spouses and Dependent Children of Faculty and Staff
VII-4.30 Policy on Salary Advances
VII-4.40 Policy on Payment of Moving Expenses -- Moved to Section VIII
VII-4.40-UMCES Policy on Payment of Moving Expenses
VII-4.60 Policy on Shift Differential for Classified Employees
VII-4.62 Policy on on-Call and Call-Back for Classified Employees
VII-4.62-UMCES Policy on on-Call and Call-Back for Non-Exempt Employees
VII-5.00 Policy on Performance Evaluation of the Chancellor and the Institution Presidents/Center Directors of the University
VII-5.01 Policy on the Five-Year Review of USM Presidents
Vll-5.02-UMCES Policy on the Review of Laboratory Directors
VII-5.10 Policy on Associate of the Chancellor/President
VII-5.20 Policy on the Performance Evaluation Program
VII-5.20-UMCES Policy on the Performance Evaluation Program
VII-6.00 Interim Policy on Human Resources Management -- Renumbered to VII-1.00 10/9/2015
VII-6.02 USM Policy on Personnel Files for NonExempt and Exempt Staff Employees
VII-6.02-UMCES Policy on Personnel Files for NonExempt and Exempt Staff Employees
VII-6.10 Policy on Work Schedules for Regular Exempt Employees
VII-6.10-UMCES Policy on Work Schedules for Regular Exempt Employees
VII-6.15-UMCES Telework Policy
VII-7.00 Policy on Annual Leave for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
VII-7.01 Policy on Annual Leave for Regular Exempt Employees -- VII-7.01 Rescinded 6/27/2014 & Combined with VII-7.00
VII-7.10 Policy on Personal Leave for Regular Exempt Employees
VII-7.10-UMCES Policy on Personal Leave for Regular Exempt Employees
VII-7.11 Policy on Leave Reserve Fund for Exempt and Nonexempt Staff Employees on Regular Status
VII-7.12 Policy on Leave of Absence Without Pay
VII-7.20 Policy on Administrative Leave for
VII-7.21 Policy on Jury Service for Administrative and Classified Personnel
VII-7.22 Policy on Leave for Legal Actions for Administrative and Classified Personnel
VII-7.23 Policy on Military Leave with Pay for Exempt and Nonexempt Staff Employees on Regular Status
VII-7.24 USM Policy on Call-Up to Active Military Duty During a National or International Crisis or Conflict for USM Exempt and NonExempt Staff Employees on Regular Status
VII-7.25 Policy on Leave For Service As Election Judge For Exempt And Nonexempt Staff Employees On Regular Status
VII-7.26 USM Policy on Leave for Disaster Service
VII-7.30 Policy on Holiday Leave for Regular Exempt Employees
VII-7.40 Policy on Accident Leave for Exempt and Nonexempt Employees
VII-7.41 Policy on Modified Duty
VII-7.45 Policy on Sick Leave
VII-7.49 Policy on Parental Leave
VII-7.50 Policy on Family and Medical Leave for Exempt and Nonexempt Staff Employees
VII-7.50-UMCES Policy on Family and Medical Leave for Exempt and Non-Exempt Staff Employees
VII-8.00 Policy on Grievances for Associate Staff and Classified Personnel
VII-8.05 Policy on Professional Conduct and Workplace Bullying 
VII-8.10 Policy on Special Action Appeals for Classified Employees -- Merged with VII-8.00  10/09/2015
VII-9.00 Policy on Implementation of Phase I-Nonexempt of the UMS Pay Program
VII-9.01 Policy on Implementation of Phase Ii-Exempt of the USM Pay Program
VII-9.10 Policy on the Pay Program for Nonexempt Staff Employees
VII-9.11 Policy on Pay Administration for Exempt Positions
VII-9.20 Policy on Pay Administration for Regular Nonexempt Staff Employees
VII-9.30 Policy on Salary Upon Entry Into UMS Service -- Merged with VII-9.20  10/9/2015
VII-9.31 Policy on Establisment and Assignment of Staff Job Groups and Employment Status Groups
VII-9.40 Policy on Salary Upon Transfer or Reclass -- Merged with VII-9.20  10/9/2015
VII-9.50 Policy on Temporary Assignments and Acting Appointments
VII.9.50-UMCES Policy on Temporary Assignments and Acting Appointments for Non-Exempt Employees
VII-9.51 Policy on Reassignment of Regular Exempt Employees
VII-9.60 Policy on Salary Upon Reinstatement --Merged with VII-9.20  10/9/2015
VII-9.61 Policy on Reinstatement for Regular Exempt Employees
VII-9.70 Policy on Request for Job Reclass Review
VII-9.80 Policy on Impact of Changes in the Minimum Qualifications of Job Class Specifications 
VII-10.0 Policy on Board of Regents Review of Contracts for Highly-Compensated Personnel

VIII Fiscal and Business Affair

VIII-1.00 Resolution Authorizing the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs to Approve Changes of Signatures on Bank Accounts
VIII-1.10 Policy for Capitalization and Inventory Control
VIII-1.10-UMCES Policy on Capitalization and Inventory Control and Policy on Disposal of Surplus Personal Property
VIII-1.20 Policy on Disposal of Surplus Personal Property
VIII-1.21 Policy on Lost or Abandoned Currency or Tangible Personal Property on University System Premises
VIII-1.30 Policy on Withdrawal of Funds From Bank Accounts
VIII-1.40 Forms Management
VIII-2.01 Policy on Tuition
VIII-2.20 Policy on Payment of Tuition and Fees
VIII-2.30 Policy on Waiver of Tuition and Granting of Other Privileges for Senior Citizens of the State of Maryland
VIII-2.31 University System of Maryland Policy on Tuition Waiver for Certain Members of the Maryland National Guard
VIII-2.41 Policy on Institutional Student Financial Aid for Undergraduate Students
VIII-2.50 Policy on Student Tuition, Fees, and Charges
VIII-2.60 Policy on Tuition Fellowships for Graduate Students
VIII-2.61 Policy on Off-Campus Programs
VIII-2.70 Policy for Student Residency Classification for Admission, Tuition (effective until June 30, 2015)
VIII-2.70(R) Policy for Student Residency Classification for Admission, Tuition (effective July 1,2015 and thereafter)
VIII-2.80 Policy on Waiver of Application Fees
VIII-3.00 University of Maryland System Procurement Policies and Procedures
VIII-3.00-UMCES Procurement Policy
VIII-3.10 Policy on Approval of Procurement Contracts
VIII-3.20 Procedures Relating to Review By Attorney General'S Office of Contractual Agreements of the University System and Involvement in
VIII-3.30 Policy on Use of Commercial Contractors for Employment
VIII-3.40-UMCES Policy on Mobile Phones
VIII-3.50-UMCES Policy on Food Purchases for Business Meal Purposes Other Than Employee Travel
VIII-4.00 Policy on Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property
VIII-4.01 Procedures for the Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property
VIII-4.02 USM Procedures for Leasing of Real Property
VIII-5.20 Policy on Voting of Proxies in Investment Securities
VIII-5.30 Policy on Endowment Fund Spending Rule
VIII-5.40 Policy on Management of the Endowment Fund
VIII-5.50 Policy on Endowment Funds Investment Objectives
VIII-6.00 Policy on Business Activities
VIII-7.00 Policy on Financial Management
VIII-7.10 Policy on Reporting Suspected or Known Fiscal Irregularities
VIII-7.10-UMCES Policy and Procedures on Reporting Suspected or Known Fiscal Irregularities
VIII-7.11 Policy on the Communication of Suspected Fraud, Unethical and Illegal Business Activity
VIII-7.20 Policy on External Audits
VIII-7.30 Policy on Responses to Legislative Audits
VIII-8.00 Policy on Financing Commitments    Replaced by BOR VIII-12.00
VIII-9.00 Policy on the Operating Budget
VIII-10.00 Policy on Facilities Master Plans
VIII-10.10 Policy on Facilities Renewal for Auxiliary and Non-Auxiliary Capital Assets
VIII-10.10-UMCES Policy and Procedures on Facilities Renewal Program
VIII-10.20 Policy on the Capital Budget of the University of Maryland System
VIII-10.30 Policy on Authority Concerning Certain Capital Improvement Projects
VIII-10.40 Policy On Community Notification Of Capital Projects
VIII-10.40-UMCES Policy on Facilities and Administrative Cost Recovery
VIII-11.00 Policy on University System Travel
VIII-11.00-UMCES Travel Policy
VIII-11.10 Schedule of Reimbursement Rates
VIII-12.00 Policy on Debt Capacity
VIII-13.00 Policy on Business Entities 
VIII-14.00 Policy on Investments and Loans to Maryland-based Businesses That License University Intellectual Property
VIII-15.00 Policy on High Impact Economic Development Activities
VIII-16.00 UMCES Policy and Procedures Regarding Revolving Fund Accounts

IX External Relations

IX-1.00 Policy of the Board of Regents on Governmental Relations
IX-2.00 Policy on Affiliated Foundations
IX-2.01 Recognition of Affiliated Foundations
IX-3.00 Policy on Private Fund Raising and Stewardship
IX-4.00 Policy on Alumni Associations
IX-5.00 Policy of the Board of Regents on Ethical Practices in Charitable Giving
IX-6.00 Policy on Use of Foundation and Alumni Association Funds To Provide Economic Benefits To USM Employees 

X Information Technology

X-1.00 Policy on USM Institutional Information Technology Policies, Including Functional compatibility with the State Information Technology Plan
X-2.00 Policy On Compliance With USM Policies Through Technology

XI UMCES Local Policies & Procedures

XI-1.00-UMCES Policy on Small Boat Operation
XI-1.01-UMCES Procedure for Small Boat Operator Qualification
XI-2.00-UMCES Procedure for Small Boat Operation