
Maryland Green Registry Award recognizes UMCES' leadership in sustainability

June 29, 2018
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Sustainability and Facilities teams have won the Maryland Department of the Environment’s Maryland Green Registry Leadership Award for 2018. The award recognizes organizations that have shown a strong commitment to the implementation of sustainable practices, the demonstration of measurable results, and the continual improvement of environmental performance.

Chesapeake Bay: Larger-than-average summer 'dead zone' forecast for 2018 after wet spring

June 18, 2018
Ecologists from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and the University of Michigan are forecasting a larger-than-average Chesapeake Bay "dead zone" in 2018, due to increased rainfall in the watershed this spring.

Summer dead zones in Chesapeake Bay breaking up earlier

June 14, 2018
A new study shows that dead zones in the lower Chesapeake Bay are beginning to break up earlier in the fall, which may be an indication that efforts to reduce nutrient pollution to the Bay are beginning to make an impact.

Tiny Bubbles project introduces community college students to science

June 7, 2018
Laura Lapham was awarded one of 10 Changing the Face of STEM mentoring grants from the L’Oréal USA For Women in Science program to expose the students to work in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

Students find success as entreprenuers after REEF program

May 24, 2018
Students participating in Ratcliffe Environmental Entrepreneur Fellowship at IMET have been carrying the ideas they developed in the program to outside pitch competitions. In the program’s four years, five of those ideas have been developed into real companies and this year alone, five students have won funding ranging from $1,000 to $25,000 for their companies.
